Thursday, November 11, 2010

pictures that made me think, then laugh-

I love this pic. because it is very true. our parents came from the "me " generation and pretty much screwed up everything they touched. Including their children. I do not have ANY friends who's parents weren't divorced. Or abandon them for drugs, alcohol, or some sleazy boyfriend or girlfriend- so i feel like our generation is pretty amazing, considering the circumstances !!!

I believe this pic. is self explanatory-

So this pic. is supposed to show us what life could be like if we do not start taking care of the planet. Fashionable gas masks, i don't know they go pretty well with the suit and tie-

Gotta love some good old fashioned sexism-

i love these type of pictures-
 I found him at a bar downtown hanging with the alcoholics- silly jesus always hanging with the "sinners"