Tuesday, November 23, 2010

happy thanksgiving

in my opinion this picture pretty much sums up the meaning of thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

good old political cartoons...

sad but so true-
Party in the republican parties pants, everyday except sunday. Have to be at church on sunday to keep up appearances .

ahh the fight over health care-

caught with your pants down once again-

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dear television executives,

All i want to know is why you think people want to see a bunch of fake, spoiled, catty, self centered, rich women who have nothing better to do with themselves than fight with one another. The U.S. is full of people who are caring, giving, and selfless helping others all day every day. Why don't you do the world a good deed and take these selfish crazies of the air and spend your $ helping families. You put these women on T.V. and wonder why people all over the world hate americans.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

pictures that made me think, then laugh-

I love this pic. because it is very true. our parents came from the "me " generation and pretty much screwed up everything they touched. Including their children. I do not have ANY friends who's parents weren't divorced. Or abandon them for drugs, alcohol, or some sleazy boyfriend or girlfriend- so i feel like our generation is pretty amazing, considering the circumstances !!!

I believe this pic. is self explanatory-

So this pic. is supposed to show us what life could be like if we do not start taking care of the planet. Fashionable gas masks, i don't know they go pretty well with the suit and tie-

Gotta love some good old fashioned sexism-

i love these type of pictures-
 I found him at a bar downtown hanging with the alcoholics- silly jesus always hanging with the "sinners"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

work in progress

hello to whom ever stumbled across my blog, in due time it will be as full as my head- many things to clog it up, politics, art, religion, oddities, and whatever else i feel like going off about, so stop by again soon...